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A calm lake in France. Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy CHARGES your life

We have so much potential, each day, to change

Reduces anxiety - improves confidence, motivation and sleep - removes bad and unwanted habits

...and boosts productivity.


Positive Change Can Happen


"I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I was feeling very low. I booked a course

of seven meetings with Alex which have helped me so much. Alex is a very kind,

 warm and understanding person.  I feel so much better in mind, body and spirit. 

It's the best decision that I have ever made." Patricia Mawby


"Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking" New Scientist 

"At last, it's official. Hypnotism really does work - and it has an impact on the brain which can be measured scientifically, according to one of America's leading psychiatrists." The Daily Mail

Hypnotherapy In the Workplace

  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety

  • Enhance Focus and Concentration

  • Boost Motivation

  • Build Confidence

  • Break Negative Habits

  • Improve Sleep

  • Increase Creativity and Problem-Solving Abilities

Group Work

​Hypnotherapy group events are a new concept in meditation and relaxation -

using hypnosis techniques to enable deeper levels of relaxation. 

"Alex's group sessions take me to a place of deep relaxation through focused concentration. 

His use of imagery and key words quieten my conscious thoughts, generating a feeling of total relaxation - something I find hard to do with the stresses of both work and personal life.

Following the group sessions, I am left feeling totally refreshed and calm"

Dawn Shannon-Osborne - Director 

"A very positive experience indeed."


"My mood has been lifted immeasurably."

"Alex's energy and words are incredibly captivating."

"I never thought i could relax so deeply."


Insomnia   -   Phobia   -   Smoking   -   Grief   -   Trauma   -   Anxiety   -   Stress   -   Depression   -   Confidence   -   Speech fluency                  Exam preparation   -   Positivity   -    Weight loss    -    Pain Relief     -    Menopause Anxiety    -    Relationship Pain    -     Mindset... etc

Client Review

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Alex on my thought patterns. Behaviours that stem from natural responses can slow us down in life, and Alex had just the right ways to fix that. He has been a great guide in making me focus more on building a better tomorrow by choosing to think positively and smartly. And the more positive you think, the more positive things you will attract in life, it's the law of attraction! I highly recommend Alex Crisp for having set all of this into motion for me!

Hema A

"The Wonderful thing about human beings and staying alive is that we have the chance to change. That is the most exciting of all our possibilities."

Maya Angelou

Book a free consultation.

Based in the United Kingdom

I'll contact you soon.


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”


The divided brain

Our 'primitive brain', the amygdala (the part that has existed before we became civilised) governs our basic emotions (fight or flight). This induces us to feel fear, anxiety, depression as self defence to our surroundings. Our emotional struggles are caused by this part of our brain which would have us running away from everything vaguely frightening if it wasn't for the balance created by the newer Intellectual part.

Our 'intellectual brain' the newer outer cortex, tries to make sense of it all through use of it's vast library of stored information. It can often struggle if it doesn't get in there early enough.  Hypnotherapy helps the intellectual brain deal with it's older, more emotional, cousin.

Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy

Solutions Focused Hypnotherapy combines psychotherapy with hypnosis. By focussing on what you want to achieve (the solution) rather than on 'the problem', Alex uses practical strategies and a sprinkling of magic, to help you make significant and positive changes to your life.


My Story

I am a Qualified Solutions Focused Hypnotherapist, registered in the UK, with the AfSFH . I have had clients all around the world; in the USA, Japan, Australia, Algeria, South Africa, as well as in the UK and France. I'm very happy to be able to help people make improvements to their lives. 

As a young man I visited a hypnotherapist in North London for help with a stammer which I struggled with at the time. I was sure my stammer would hold me back from whatever I wanted to achieve in my life. After 10 sessions it was changed, the stammer was all but gone. My hypnotherapist was a unique sort of man who I admired greatly. His delivery was effective and powerful and being from Romania, his voice just gave added credence to the experience. He had the perfect voice to mesmerise. He taught me techniques which I could use for myself at home and that's where it all started

Hypnotherapy continued to interest me throughout my life. Specifically the science of the brain and how much our emotional and intellectual lives can be dramatically changed by having a basic understanding of how our brain works. 

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”

Winston Churchill

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude”

Oprah Winfrey

Calm Sea

                                                                          Prices and Availability

  • Initial consulation is free and without obligation. 

  • Available by arrangement - 24/7

  • Prices:

1 hour face to face session £70

1 hour online £50

Smoking cessation £200

Workplace attendance - by agreement


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